OpenSite Designer Help

Add Features

Used to add 3D graphical elements (as terrain model features) into a previously created terrain model.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Terrain > Edit > Feature Management split button

This Terrain Model Edit tool adds more 3D graphical elements (as terrain model features) into a previously created terrain model. One example is to create the terrain from break lines in the Create From Elements tool, then add points with the Add Features tool. Another example is adding more break lines that were field collected after the original terrain model was developed.

Workflow With Predefined Selection Set

  1. Create a selection set with the elements to be added.

  2. Start the tool.

  3. Specify a terrain model for which additional elements are to be added.

  4. Set the Feature Type and data point to accept. The terrain is updated to reflect the new elements.

Workflow Without Predefined Selection Set

  1. Start the command.

  2. Specify a terrain model for which additional elements are to be added.

  3. Select the elements to be added. Multiple selections are supported, just Reset when all elements are selected.

  4. Set the Feature Type and data point to accept. The terrain is updated to reflect the new elements.

See also

Feature Types